What do we mean by golf fitness?
For many, golf fitness is something that is often associated with the likes of Tiger Woods and more recently Rory McIlroy; relatively...
Is your day job affecting your Golf?
One of the most common physical limitations that I encounter with my clients is poor posture, primarily in the upper thoracic spine. This...
Is what you eat, affecting your performance on the golf course?
Nutrition and diet are an important part of any sports person or athletes focus when considering performance and ways to optimise it. ...
Do you favour style over efficiency?
We have all done it at one time or another; whether on the golf course observing the first tee, on the driving range standing in the next...
Have you got the X Factor?
It would be fair to say that most golfers want to hit the ball further and get more distance out of their swing. The game is far easier...
You’re Never Too Old to Improve Your Golf
As many golfers hit their 50’s and 60’s they resign themselves to the fact that their golfing ability and performance is on the decline....
Why general fitness can be detrimental to your golf game!!
Many golfers hit the gym regularly in a bid to potentially help their golf game, whether it is to gain more muscle to add yards to that...
Why the Glutes are the ‘King of the Swing’!!
As many of you will know the gluteal muscles or our ‘bottoms/butts’ as we more commonly refer to them, are the largest muscle in the...
New Year, New Approach
As we say goodbye to one year we say hello to another, full of good intentions, promise and hope. We set our new goals for the year and...