How can physical conditioning improve your game?
There are multiple ways that physical conditioning and strength training can benefit your golf game. As well as the physical benefits, training habits also lend themselves to improved lifestyle habits such as improved sleep and nutrition; which can positively impact shot selection and confidence on the course.
Here are some of the key ways that a fitness programme could benefit your game!
Assists improved kinematic sequencing
Through better movement, achieved by improved mobility, flexibility and stability; you will have the ability to develop your swing technique. Thus seeing improved swing mechanics and sequencing efficiency.
Reduce the risk of injury
Through improved mobility, strength and stability your body will find it easier to move more efficiently and work harder in both practice and competition; making it less likely to breakdown and injure.
Generate greater club-head speed
With increased strength can come increased power and speed. Allowing you to swing the club at a greater velocity whilst maintaining control and stability in the swing.
Increased distance with every club
Improved sequencing and club-head speed leads to greater distances achieved with each club. Making it easier to reach those par 5’s in two and leaving you with shorter distances into greens.